We are all called to a vocation. A vocation is more than an occupation; it is our path to holiness that the Lord has lovingly created us to live out. However, as the world encourages us to follow our self-driven will, we walk away from God’s will.
Thankfully, to the extent that we wander, Jesus seeks us out of the darkness of the world so that we may come to know our identity as beloved children of God. As a continual reminder of God’s unending love, He has given us the sacraments which are “the efficacious signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us” (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1131).
One of these signs of grace is the sacrament of marriage. For this reason, marriage is more than a sign of a man and woman’s love for one another. In the Catholic Church, marriage is nothing less than a husband and wife being united by God into a lifelong, indissoluble covenant. Through marriage, we are called to the sanctification of our spouse, to willingly participate as co-creators with God, and to serve as our children’s primary educators.
We look forward to celebrating our marriage with you! Please pray that we, as husband and wife, may remind each other for the rest of our lives of the basic truths of life; namely, that we are beloved children of God who are made for eternity with Him.